•  Well A is producing 800 MCFD more gas

  •  Wells B and C are each producing 1,500 MCFD more gas

Mayes Well


  •   Arkoma Wells A, B, and C are three wells in Oklahoma within a close proximity of the fourth well that was set to be completed. Using the producer’s field gas, a treatment was designed to protect the production in the existing wells.
  •   Arkoma Wells A, B, and C were initially planned as a nanoActiv® Frac Hit Mitigation treatment. However, the state regulatory agency required the producer to delay the completion of the new well, therefore the producer opened Arkoma Wells A, B, and C after being shut-in for two weeks.


  •   On February 4, 2020 Arkoma Wells A, B, and C were each treated using a combination treatment of gas and nanoActiv® blend. Initially, the well was loaded with 500,000 SCF of methane followed by pumping seven stages alternating between nanoActiv® blend and the gas. After completing seven stages, the nanoActiv® blend and gas were co-injected, to form a high-quality foam, pumped into the reservoir to hold pressure in each of the wells. The final injection consisted of a volume of field gas.
  •   Each of the wells were treated with 7,014 gallons of nanoActiv® blend, and 5,000 MSCF of methane over approximately 48 hours. The producer choked back each of the wells for two weeks.


  •   Arkoma A is producing 800 MCFD more gas than it was pre-treatment.


Mayes Well


Mayes Well


  •   Arkoma B is producing 1,500 MCFD more gas than it was pre-treatment.
  •   Arkoma C is producing 1,500 MCFD more gas than it was pre-treatment.